oookay so we're working to fill this page!!!! hurry hurry be stupid!!!
1.) "You can be a basket weaving carpet making farmer!"

2.) "No one made fun of me in public school because some kids had six fingers."

3.) "Yes there is an abominable snowman."

4.) "He looks like a brillo pad!"

5.) "Incest and make-overs thats all it is these days"

6.) "There are voices in my head... the voices are often me."

7.) "One girl wanted to catch killer bees and show them to kindergardeners so they'ed know that they look like."

8.) "Another wanted to catch ferril cats, tame them and get families to adopt them."

9.) " I am a homosexual. I like men, for those of you think this is not possible because I am a girl. Let me fill you in on something, I am a man."

10.) " if I had a kid like me [when I was a kid] that kid would be dead."

11.) "I need Charlotte to hack my cell phone"

12.) " I wasted so much time on caribu"

13.) "smile to the beat"

14.) "You're happy to be on the ouside of the triangle, becaus inside, people are being torchered"

15.) "When you go to the triangle store, do you know you're buying a right triangle?"

16.) "So these must be corresponding or you will...?" "die!" "yes, you will die"

17.) "the toasters will come after you."

18.) "Les vaches sont tombés dans le lac."

19.) ::points to picture of pig:: "C'est un pied."

20.) "I will attack you Mahegan with the highlighter of doom!! that... is... radioactive."

21.) "HAHA you're going to die! Here I'll write it for you! ::writes (DEAth):: I lost my enthusiasm half-way through."

22.) "what does a bisector do?" "bisect?"

23.) "the triangles are not only congruent thay are also....what?" "friends?"

24.) List of things(and ppl) Mr.Lebron said not to give our homework to:
open flames
the trash can
evil siblings

25.) "We were freezing so we had to burn our homework."

26.) "I put it [homework] in the dog kennel, we ran out of newspaper."

27.) "could you please scream a little quieter?"

28.) "I gave my homework to santa with the cookies."

29.) "you are a fire hazard, a fire hazard like my life!!"

30.) "if my love for language was put into the ocean and used for water power and picked up by clouds and used as precipitation on a hill that went to a river that went to a dam that made electricity for the whole United States, thats how much I hate you."

31.) "everyone has a little OCD in them"

32.) "Write down my quote!!"

33.) "That would be cool if there was a fire and we were here being a fire hazard"

34.) "if my love for language was all the carpet fibers in the halls of this school and all the other schools in the area and put in a jar and dyed purple and made into 27 wool coats and given to unfourtunate children, thats how much I hate you."

34.) "wow semi-colon semi-colon semi-colon"

36.) "Charlotte sucks at spanish. oooo aliteration"

37.) "its not out of harms way, its right in harms way 'cause my eraser just harmed it."

38.) "I thought 'Oh hey thats his son!' " "No its his gay lover"

39.) "They would all be injured or wounded"

40.) ::jokingly:: (i dun want e-mails tell me to be nice)"Oh my God not the Homelesses!"

41.) "I'm a chia head"

42.) "ok kids, who lost the most soldiers during the civil war? Americans or British?" "BRITISH!!"

43.) "Is he pregnant?

44.) "She's beating me with words"

45.) "Whats a wife beater?" "Someone who beats their wife"

46.) "I can live off crack"

47.) "The umbrella was calling to me 'Kyle come get your umbrella'"

48.) "why do you FUCK!!"

49.) "you're cutting your nails" "I prefer 'pruning'"

50.) "Our lives would be great manga/anime! theres comedy, drama, and violent battles."

51.) "I never thought I'd say this, but bring back Clinton. He knew what he was doing... even if it was an intern."

52.) "The itch is in my eye and I can't wash my eye cause it would hurt and there would be little micro-organisms swimming around in my eye juices" (yes... that was me ^_^")

53.) "your face is a phallic symbol"

54.) "Your arms are phallic symbols"

55.) "I got my braces off" "kinky"

56.) "King Phillip Came Over For Green Salad"

57.) "It's like 'English 10- the musical' "

58.) "Spasm of the mouth"

59.) okay this isn't really a quote... but appearently they used to call hickeys, "passion bites"

60.) "so that I can afford more money!!"

61.) "why am I supplying alot of the quotes for my page? Other people need to be more stupid!!" (gee... I wonder who said that)

62.) "I love my thesaurus...I keep it in my room"

63.) "How can you do that to something that's just begging to be blown?...Don't suck, blow!!!"

64.) "No see my hair always looks like this, I can cut it off and it will still look like piles on the floor"

65.) "And your stomach goes'Ahh! you're stabbing me with half masticated food!"

66.) "chateu... a big giant house"


68.) "I need a fire extinguisher for my butt"

69.) "thats not funny...thats German."

70.) "Thats what my figner juices are for."

71.) "What! You're hand just screamed 'What the Hell!'"

72.) "I'm not that articulate and I've been alive my whole life!"

73.) "But Lloyd is the only name for a duck because if you go out and yell "Bill! Bill! Come here Bill!" you'll have like, 30 ducks running at you."

74.) "I like bread but i hate how it gets mushed up and you can't get it out."

75.) "four times four is what?" "five!"

76.) "Je 'petté' ton chien"

77.) "I laughed as hard as a rock laughs when it suddenly comes to life and hears something funny."

78.) "Don't make any sudden movements. There's a BOY!"

79.) "have you ever spoken with an inanimate object and expected it to talk back to you?" "yes"

80.) "My molecules are deformed."

81.) "They don't give a flying bran muffin!"

82.) Do I look like a Savon to you?" "yes"

83.) "did you do your chemistry?" "if by chemistry you mean put my laundry"

84.) "okay so for 'assister' I"ll drop my bookcase and you pick it up." "Pencil case." "oh yeah!" ::hysterical laughter::

85.) "La mere du Stacy est trés chaud."

86.) "oh. ow. no." (ppl in french you should get this one!)

87.) ::waving a paper axe:: "chop. chop. chop."

88.) "les toilettes sont automatique." "huh?" "NE FLUSH PAS!"

89.) "the electric pottys!"

90.) "Ours is SO dumb" "yes you are" " I meant the project." "oh... nevermind."

91.) "Tastingly Worse"

92.) "Jurassic Actions"

93.) "You want I should make latka, no?"

94.) "that sounds like a sitcom 'Alyshia has been silenced"

95.) "Placenta Jellyfish. thats going to be my band myself"

96.) "I'm a hula ho!"

97.) "The pimps will have to pay a ho tax"

98.) "My face is going to be sucked into a straw"

99.) "I'll go over to your house and accost your children"

100.)(400!!) "It smells like mollusk." "you smell like mollusks!"
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