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1.) "I'm just a plethera of trivia"

2.) "At least scratch the hell out of his skin..."

3.) "Can you imagine a billboard with a giant hand on it?"

4.) "I'm sorry, but you've awakened the Hulk"

5.) "in one country, doing the 'im going to kill you'sign, means 'i love you'"

6.) " of the things you do is play dead, or wet your pants if possible"

7.) "if there were more people, we would let more people into our bubble"

8.) " I didn't squeeze anyone"

9.) "I don't like it when the hand wiggles and you have to try to catch it"

10.) "everyone goes to church to find dates"

11.) "Ah the duck is attacking me!"

12.) "are eyes the window to the soul?" "No, itz the hands"

13.) "He yelled at her and said she was going to hell because her shopping bag was on the bus seat.... but there were at least 15 other bus seats... we laughed when he got off"

14.) "Oh yeah! we were lesbians and you were going to burn down the 7-11"

15.) "in water polo a good stratagy is to grab the other guy in the nuts"

16.) "my friend plays water polo and when he grabs the other guys *down there* he smiles so they back off"

17.) "so wait... we're supposed to play dead, roll around, AND scream"

18.) "you are God's precious princess"

19.) "wanna eat a worm"

20.) "Yet hair length and style remain a source of emotional reaction..."

21.) "This chair has four balls"

22.) "you might have an emotional limp"

23.) "have you been introduced to this book? It doesn't say hi back. No? The I'll introduce you"

24.) "I can move mountains"

25.) "you are God's precious princess"

26.) "When a crazy religion teacher says you're precious, believe her."

27.) "bon, bon bon, bon, and then Hoeffer...BonHoeffer"

28.) "they TOLD him not to go against Hitler, but he would have got killed anyway"

29.) "I won't shoot rubber bands at you today"

30.) "She went to the potty machine.::...:: what?"

31.) "Some guy flashed me in the street." "did you know him" "No, at least, I don't think so"

32.) " To be moral is to be human" "what about anarchists?" "::glares::" "what?"

33.) "I have 6inches of homework to do"

34.) "Excuse me while I smash my head into the wall."

35.) "Honk my nose"

36.) "We call them PPDs, PotentialPromDates"

37.) "Don't smoke a joint! You'll shoot your bestfriend to death."

38.) "Let me shut-up!!"

39.) "Everyone! Get in an Octogon!"

40.) "Palestine for vacation?" "Yeah, with bombs going off and you're writing a postcard "wish you were here' "

41.) "I'm obsessed with chicken patties"

42.) (talking about the sniper)"Lets just shoot everybody who looks like him."

43.) "I'm so glad you're not cheif of police."

44.) "wait... you saw Oosama?" "oh yeah he's on National, you wanna go get him?"

45.) (talking about single-sex education) "girls don't shave, guys don't shower"

46.) "is that a voodoo doll?"

47.) "Go desks GO!!"

48.) " got all bacteriated"

49.) "Don't take my hair!"

50.) "Who locked the door?" "Oh my gosh! I thought you were going to say 'who let the dogs out!' "

51.) "let me see your eyes. They ARE startlingly blue!"

52.) "I'm sorry, I have a spasm in my arm"

53.) "...Spanish Land Time."

54.) "who wants to be a JellyBelly?"

55.) "some of you could be a carwash!"

56.) "whats wrong with your jacked up hands?"

57.) "your fingers look like a pitchfork!!"

58.) "you read with your voice"

59.) "I like when you ask questions about the homework, but don't ask too many or I'll start yelling"

60.) "Well see, last year she thought she was Medea, you know, the crazy Greek who killed her kids."

61.) "It has hallowed out eyes and...ears?"

62.) "I was mime-ing all through french class."

63.) (said by male teacher)"Sally has something I want, and I will pay her for it."

64.) "The next time you go to my funeral..."

65.) "I am like 'P' "

66.) "I want to shave my head..."

67.) "We're having a little drug war"

68.) "My pencil is rolling on my desk."

69.) "If 12 looks in the mirror does it see AB? NO!! It sees 12!."

70.) "we're going to do algebra geometricly"

71.) "why do they call it a 2-column proof"

72.) "I'm iffy." "Nice to meet you Iffy!"

73.) "Don't worry about your body parts popping off."

74.) "DNA looks like the hair you pull off of your hairbrush."

75.) "Microtubules are like a monorail."

76.) "So basically you'd kill your boss and the city would die."

77.) "Yes, that IS a sperm."

78.) "Everyday you swallow about a pint of mucas to your tumtum."

79.) "You don't want digest yourself...right?"

80.) "Apoptosis: when your cells commit suicide."

81.) "brain cells have a lot of mitochondria to help them function...well maybe not your brains, but normal, thinking people do."

82.) "let it pee, let it pee, let it pee"

83.) "It's always my job to clean up the urine."

84.) "Ed is great... or I am great...we're the same person so it doesn't really matter"

85.) "Can I borrow 50 cents for the cell phone" "you mean payphone?" "oops."

86.) "oh my god, i was crying so much after dawsons creek that i couldn't even watch felictiy afterwards"

87.) "why would some one blow upour school?" "to miss a Spanish test."

88.) "I slept in the crack"

89.) "It looked like a big pile of pee"

90.) "Do you want us to pie you with pasta?"

91.) "At an animal hospitol, wouldn't animals be the doctors too?"

92.) "I thought it said 'Anime Store' but it doesn't... it says 'Daphne's Greek Cafe."

93.) "Oops, I broke your snake" "YOU BROKE MY SNAKE!!"

94.) "Did you glue your snake back together yet?" "Nope haven't gotten around to it."

95.) "I set off an electromagnetic pulse weapon at my gradeschool graduation, but, it was a bit too powerful..."

96.) "you know...Little Shop of Harlem" "You mean Little Shop of Horrors."

97.) "I was running around with one shoe and sock on."

98.) "How do I get this to go down before I get dressed?"

99.) "I'll get a camera and go walking around. When I see a hot guy I'll stop and be like 'hey you're hot can I take a picture of you."

100.) "How do you circumsize garments?"
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